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  1. Hi, I recently did a show for presentation at my camera club and was disappointed to see that the font I chose when making the show was not used for the show. The font I used was not installed on the computer at the club. P2E is the first slide show program I've used where I've encountered this problem. Is it possible in a future version to render the text within P2E so that the text becomes part of the show? My apologies if this has been posted earlier.
  2. Igor, Prospective pan and zoom. Would it be possible to have a colour change to the little grey button for toggleing between normal zoom and prospective zoom, possibly red for prospective and grey for normal, this would enable us to see at a glance what mode we are in. Hope you can achive this and is not to much work. Tom.
  3. Hello, I would like to propose the German user interface to be revised. There are some mistakes which are pretty obvious. Example: "Opacity" (in animation tab) is translated by "Transparenz" (engl. Transparency) which is the opposite of what it should be (Photoshop uses here "Deckkraft"). There are other expressions where you can only read the words, but it seems impossible to understand what they mean. I already made some proposals here. I myself do not use the German interface, but thinking of the generation 60+, it might be better to have a good one. Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
  4. When viewing a slide show starting in the middle the music always starts from the beginning and not where it should be on the appropriate slide. Can this be rectified please JeanandPeter
  5. Opinions wanted on an idea for Igor to consider. We have Fit To Screen and View In Window. What about a third option IF IT IS POSSIBLE? The third option would be to fit to screen on monitors of the desired resolution and less and view in a window on monitors which are above the desired resolution. My example: If I make a show (no PZR) with 1280x1024 images then my third option would fit to screen on monitors UP TO 1280x1024 and view in a 1280x1024 window on monitors above 1280x1024. Maybe it is asking too much of IGOR but if it is possible is it what you guys would like to see? - I certainly would. DaveG
  6. Hi Fellow PTE users, Something thats been bugging me for ages now and I don't know if others find the same problem, but if you have numerous folders that contain PTE projects and you double-click on the .pte file to open the project, PTE opens but the folder tree view never reflects the folder you have openend the .pte file from - hence doesn't display the contents of the show you intend to work on. You then have to drill down your drive/folder list to find the project to be able to work on it. If you then close the project then re-open the same project it will open in the correct view. If you open another project from a different folder, you then have to find that in the folder view. Ideally I'd like the folder tree view to reflect the folder you have double-clicked on (from Windows Explorer) , maybe it could be incorporated in future versions or updates. I have tried unticking the "Load last used project" but it always seems to tick itself again. Not sure if anyone else is having this little niggle with this amazing piece of software, but thought I'd see anyway Regards...Andy
  7. I do people slide shows and would love to just import the orginal file into pics to exe and then put a white border on it in this program without having to do all of them in photoshop. That would be a nice feature. Thanks Phoebe
  8. I find the handling of building the menu in VideoBuilder a lot of hassle as each one has to be done individually. What I would like to see are:- 1. The ability to select all or any of the menu 'images' and edit just one and have that edit applied to all the selected 'images' 2. The ability to select all text descriptors of the respective 'image' items and edit just one item and have that edit applied to all the selected text descriptors. 3. The ability to select menu items and have automatic alignment features - i.e. select some of the items and have them align left edges, right edges, top edges, bottom edges and also an automatic distribution of items based around their centres.
  9. When making presentation I miss the possibility to insert a blank slide (with editable color). This slide I usually use as a background to the text in the begining and end of the slideshow.
  10. Igor, Is there a way to include the ability to turn off the Copyright on a few select slides? I create a manual slideshow that I allow my clients to view an image at a time. These images all have my copyright on them (like PROOF across the middle). The problem is that some Title Slides and my final slide also have these on them. It covers up important information, I'm wanting the client to see. Also on Copyright is there the ability to shift up or down (vertically) the copyright image when you select center. The offset only appears to handle horizontal (maybe I'm just not doing something correctly on this one). Thanks in advance for your consideration of this feature. Regards, Fred p.s. - I hope you had a good vacation/holiday!
  11. What if users could create their own 1. Transition effects 2. Zoom and Pan effects 3. Templates for more elaborate effects 4. Mask effects (edges, textures, Sepia or other filters) These could be created as plug-ins. Some plugins could be free, some could be sale-able add-on packages by users or Igor I could plug-in a nice album effect from The Dom for a few slides, and then add a snowglobe effect from Lin Evans, and then then my favorite series of crazy swoops and swirls. Right now I can use one template at a time, but not more than that (Is their a way??) I don't want to sell them or buy them (I want to get them all free!) but it might be a way to motivate user talent to benefit us all. jk
  12. In all P2Exe versions the images used in the slide-show are incorporated into the exe file during the "create slideshow" process. Although this has many benefits it means that the images used in the slide-show must be supplied by the creator of the slide-show. Could a project option be included which when set allows the executable to read in the images at run-time? The images would have to be located in the same folder as the executable and would have to conform to a naming sequence (eg image1, image2, image3 etc) defined by the slide-show creator when the excecutable was built. No idea if this would be possible/easy/difficult but if it was included in a future version (obviously only as an option) it would enable slide-show designers to create executables that could display end-users images. The end-user would have to rename their images to fit the naming sequence used by the slide-show designer but there are many software utilities that would make this renaming process easy for the end-user. I believe this option would open up other uses for the P2Exe product and commercial opportunities for slide-show designers.
  13. I would find two small improvements to the file panel most helpful: Slides selected in the timeline have their names shown in bold. However those used in O & A as child images are not flagged. Could they be marked in some way please? When I have completed a show I delete all the unused .jpg's using the file panel since I still have the raw images. Would it be possible to have the delete key working in the file panel, preferably only on images that are not used in the slide list or O & A? Thanks, Dave
  14. Just a suggestion to add something to your menu. Cheers, Sam Steele
  15. What if Igor and team made a program in between PixBuilder Studio and Lightroom. It would handle Raw images, have a synchonizable editing, a good lightbox, exif editing, picture rating/tagging, etc. It would NOT require importing images, and would allow a few basic editing functions like ability to make selections and work with layers. It would be a FAST way to mass process a lot of pictures and yet be able to do a few of the really commonly needed functions like cropping, color temp, tint, curves, clone, heal, etc. It would be sold for a fair price. Just a thought. jk
  16. You will find Here a compilation of diverse suggestions requested by forum members. I have implemented a dynamic model to reflect these requests (and other personal ones) concerning only the A&O module. It is a program, ProjectAO.exe which is distributed with a PDF text to describe the new functions, plus a dll file, 3 pictures and a sound file which work with it. It shows especially a solution, I think pretty, to view (and edit) all keyframe object lines and waveforms simultaneously on the current A&O window allowing a perfect components synchronization. To run this model, download zip file, unzip it, and launch ProjectAO.exe Zip file (4.2 MB) contents: - exe + dll files - 3 jpg files + 1 mp3 - 2 pdf files (english, french)
  17. Hi it would be usefull to be able to start BG music at any slide and see waveform it only seems to show if you put audio in from first slide now. cheers john
  18. I have just experienced the need to integrate the objects and settings from one slide into another and for the imported parameters to run not at Keyframe zero but 4 secs into the new template. I would like away to be able to set just one Keyframe (Parent Level) and for all other images to run from the start point. Below is the original thread of my request through the Forum. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7712
  19. Allow "Customize Slide" Dialog to Stay Open. Right now, every time I customize a slide, I have to close the dialog box and open a new one for the next slide. Just leave the box open and let the user select one slide after another for some fast customization. Thanks! jk
  20. I sometimes find I have spent a long time creating a specific animated movement for a single object that exists on a slide with several other objects that move independently. I then want to change the relationship of the first object to the others. Ideally I would like to select all the key points for this single object and simply shift them along the time line in O&A. I cannot see any way of doing this at present so I have to make some careful notes and then move them individually by exactly equal amounts. I would love to be able to "shift click" all the key points for the object and then just move them en-mass. Sorry if this has been aired before but I could not find any reference relating to single objects - only the moving of multiple objects which as I understand it Igor has said is a major difficulty. Kind regards Peter
  21. I am not sure if I am duplicating these requests but here goes…. 1. The ability to see all objects and animation in preview window within Timeline customize synchronization dialogue box, this would make the editing of objects synchronisation to music peaks and lows very easy. 2. It would also be an advantage to those of us with failing eyesight (due to age) if the preview window could be made larger and the timeline window being full screen
  22. I am using PTE v5.04 to build a sequence that will be manually controlled. I have succesfully used O&A on some images to place buttons with an "Action on mouse click" of "Go to slide #n". Everything works fine until I insert or delete a slide into/from the slide list. PTE doesn't adjust the slide numbers programmed onto the buttons on the other images to reflect the change that has happened to the number associated with each slide. I am assuming that this is how PTE 5.04 is programmed to behave. Is there a way round this in 5.1 beta? If not, could this be added to the "wish list" for future versions, please? Any moderator reading this and feeling it should be moved to the "Suggestions" forum please feel free to move it.
  23. Just press Tab or whatever and a tiny slider bar appears at the bottom of the screen for 3 seconds. It allows you to navigate quickly to a new location in the slide show. Kinda like a video or audio player. It may as well include a time estimate for teh slide show as well. jk
  24. We can copy and paste objects on the screen from one position to another. Good Presently we can copy and paste objects with child objects to another location in the same picture or even another picture. Good! It would be helpful to drag and drop one object onto another object within the Objects window. Example: button could be dropped onto three different picture objects within a window. Example: I quickly make a button and realize I accidentally made it the child of another object. I just drag it back to be the child of the object I intended. Options to include in this feature: 1. Ability to choose to Copy or Move the object 2. Ability to choose whether to keep the original size of the copied object or have it resized to fit the scale of the target object. 3. Ability to choose which (if any) child objects to copy. jk
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