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  1. Found a new app for win programs to run on MAC. The program runs without windows or Bootcamp or parallels. It cost 4,99 USD but is still in development.( only in the apple APP store) If this could by possible for PTE.... Data base of programs that are running yet: http://appdb.winehq.org/ If we all vote to make PTE to run under winonx.... Luc M
  2. I have VirtuaBox installed and running fine on my mid-2011 27" iMac, except for Pictures to EXE. I am running Windows XP and when I try to open PTE, I get the following message: "Pictures to EXE requires hardware acceleration of video card. Please make sure that you have installed DirectX 9 or higher. It's highly recommended to update or re-install drivers of video card." My iMac came with Lion preinstalled, so I have no DVD with Windows video drivers to install. Has anyone gotten PTE to work in VirtualBox yet? If so, how? Thanks!
  3. Prior to upgrading to PTE 6.5 I used to be able to go straight from PTE to Photoshop by clicking CTL + W and and Photoshop would open the picture which I had on the PTE screen. This doesn't happen with version 6.5 - does anyone know if this shortcut is still available please?
  4. I have a Mac with VM Fusion and have recently installed Pictures to Exe for Windows. All my music files are stored in iTunes on my Mac. It's a shared folder on vmware-host but I can't get the music to play in Pictures to Exe. I have downloaded Quicktime for Windows and iTunes on the Windows platform in an attempt to convert to an appropriate format. I can play the music from the iTunes folder from within Windows, but I still can't get it to play in Pictures to Exe. Any other suggestions about what I should do?
  5. We will not include support of video clips in executables for Mac in final version 7.0. You see how much time it took to implement video clips support for PC version. And we would not delay release of version 7.0 for another several months to complete Mac support. This function will appear in the following update 7.1 (several months later after publication of v7.0). I'm sorry for this delay! In version 7.0 you can create executables with video clips for PC. Produce DVD, AVI, H.264 video files. Publish show on YouTube and Facebook. If you need produce slideshows or AV shows with video clips for Mac, please export show as a video file. See update below
  6. Bonjour, Dans la dernière version bêta, il y a la possibilité de créer un exe pour Mac. Est-il envisagé de voir la naissance un jour d'une version PTE pour Mac ? Cela manque fortement pour les possesseurs Mac. Merci pour votre réponse. Cordialement. MAIMIE this is an English forum http://translate.google.com/# French - detected to English translation Hello, In the latest beta, it is possible to create an exe for Mac. Are there plans to one day see the birth of a PTE version for Mac? It lacks hard for Mac owners. Thank you for your reply. Regards. I also moved it to the MAC section ken
  7. Hi, i have just bought a Mac book pro and was wondering if it is possible to run Pictures to Exe on my new machine, i all ready use it on my windows pc but would like to continue to use it on my mac book. I would like to no how to go about down loading and installing Picture to Exe to my new machine, if it is possible, i did e mail customer services two days ago, but they still have not replied . Thanks Mr H.
  8. Hello Everyone! I have just got a Mac and after extensive research into software I havent discovered an equvalent of PTE made for MAC so I have had to get Fusion3 and Windows7 - I now want to install PTE 7 onto this - can I use the exisiting seriel code and also keep it installed on my old machine? Also - how do I find the exisiting seriel code? Thanks Joy
  9. Hello - please forgive me if I am stating the obvious but am I right in thinking that PTE for Mac is still not available? but exe slideshows and also videos created on a windows PC can be played back on a Mac?? I am thinking of buyimg a Mac but I am a bit confused as to how far PTE has been developed for Mac. Thanks Joy
  10. Hi folks, I could not get Paraells 6 to work, but got VMware Fusion to work with PTE with just a few tweaks. If you have a iMac may I suggest: 1. It comes with 4GB RAM, don't do a store upgrade for extra memory. Go to crucial.com and get an extra 8GB for £50/$60. It is very easy to install and you end up with 12GB 2. Install VMware Fusion 3. You will need your original Win7 CD. 3. Once up and running Win7 will do its updates, mine found 89, and later updated to Win7 service pack 1, and so on... 4. The VMware version of Win7 is held in a virtual machine, but if minimised it will still update while you or at work on the iMac. 5. Install PTE to Win7, but you will find that when you try to run it, you will get an error message asking for Direct X. 6. Go back to VMware and install 'VMtools' 7. PTE will now work! (I can only assume the same approach will work for macpro laptop.) I now have the best of both worlds. Win7 comes up, as a result of it being held in virtual machine, in just seconds. VMware allows for folders to be shared, so I can add my pictures/images/rawfile folders to be seen and edited in either win7 or on the iMac. Be aware that while you may not need an Internet Security Suite on the iMac it is still a good idea. Many such suites are free. But if you have a virtual Win7 approach on your mac then a windows security suite is strongly recommended. While I am clearly new to all this mac lion/win7 get together; if I can help, I will. I do not want this thread to become a Win7_V_Mac debate. I am merely offering this info for folk who have jumped ship and are looking to run PTE on a mac. All feedback is most welcome!
  11. I created a DVD with two slide shows on it.... One was 980 x 654 (for portraits) and one was 1920 x 1080 for landscapes. The DVD works, but the aspect ratio doesn't change according to your menu selection (as I thought it would). It seems to just select one aspect ratio or the other during the creation phase. Is this a random selection? No doubt this is due to my misunderstanding of DVD nuts and bolts. I'm sure someone will be along to confirm, that what I'm trying to do is not possible?
  12. I wonder if any Mac users would try this PTE show for me. I added a wmv video into PTE and it works a treat for PC's but Mac users are telling me it doesn't work. Its only a 4 mb file http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/pte.zip
  13. We are having problems converting an AV from Beta 7 into a Mac readable file, should this be possible? We can convert the 6.5 into a Mac readable okay. We have the DeLuxe version of both.
  14. I recently upgraded my Macbook Pro to one of the new models that came out in April: 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM, Snow Leopard 10.6.4, Intel High Definition Audio, Intel HD Graphics + NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M (512 MB) I also have a Mac Pro running Leopard. I have about 10 slideshows in OSX app form that I've created from PicturesToExe 6.0. They all run fine on the Leopard machine. On my Snow Leopard machine, I'm having issues with 4 of the 6 shows. Two of them exit immediately. Two others play, but with no audio. The six other shows play fine. I've tried rebuilding the four problem shows with the latest 6.5 beta, and there is no difference. The problematic shows are similar to the ones that work, in that they all use MP3 audio files, similar screen size, etc. Any clue as to what could be going on here or what I can try? Where do I log an official bug? I'm willing to do some experiments to capture logging, etc, to get more info. thanks, Linda
  15. Hello dear friends here at WnSoft. With the absence of info about the progress of a Mac Version of WnSoft I was wondering if any of my fellow Mac users have decided to run WnSoft with Boot Camp on their Mac and if so how well it works. How well does WnSoft run on Windows 7 Pro 64bit? Thanks Bill
  16. We have a very good progress with fully functional PicturesToExe Deluxe for Mac version. I think beta testing will begin in this year. Before the open beta-testing I'll post an announcement in this section for those who would like to help us with internal alpha testing. Please watch this forum. Our strategy as with previous version 5.0 - adding of features during beta-testing.
  17. Since 1 month I changed from PC Windows XP with PTE 6,5 to Mac OSX v.10.6.6. On my Mac I installed Parallels 6 and Windows 7 so I can continue to work with PTE. The PTE version 7.4 was downloaded 1 week ago. Happy to say that this version works perfectly. My only problem is when I create a exe-file for Mac it doen't play on Mac (no reaction at all). For being complete the soundfiles are mp3 and exefiles for PC, HDVideo and DVDVideoDisc are working perfectly. I would appreciate your help in sorting this out. From Daniel, a new member on this forum
  18. Hello, I cannot make a CD or DVD that plays with the classic autorun file and a file PTE.exe done with the old versions of PTE and also with the last version 6.5. I have Windows XP. I burned in vain more than 20 CD/DVD. Someone knows why? Thank you at all of you. Sandro
  19. Hi folks, I've read that Parallels nowadays is capable of coping with the graphical demands of applications like PtE v.6.5. I'm using Bootcamp with XP for Pte now, so I hope somebody can answer some questions: 1. Are the graphical capacities of Parallels indeed better than say, 2 years ago? 2. Can I use Parallels with XP, and Bootcamp with XP, on the same Mac , being the same startup-disk? 3. In that case, is there an obligation to have 2 licences for XP? Thank you very much in advance, regards, Henri.
  20. I find myself using PTE for my tutorial parts of my disks more and more these days, but I still get the odd mac user tell me the slide shows made for a Mac do not work. Not owning a Mac I cannot check this and I am thinking of supplying Mp4 videos on my disk rather than the PTE slide show for a Mac Can Mac users just confirm that a PTE slide show converted to an Mp4 will play on any apple Mac computer?
  21. Hi everyone, I have a set of slideshows that I want to enable to play on both the iPad and iPhone. Trick is - I don't <yet> own a Mac; everything's PC based. But I have complete access to Mac systems (iMacs, iPads, iPhones, etc.) Is there any documentation on 1. workflow to create presentations for the iPad and iPhone 2. Issues to be aware of (in terms of UI, functionality, limitations, suggestions) etc. Hoping to have a presentation to install and test with in about a week, but don't know the steps needed. Thanks in advance for any insights! Jerry One add'l question - does anyone have a presentation they've created for the iPad that I could install and view? Thx...
  22. Hi all, and apologies if this is posted somewhere else. I did look, but couldn't find a post addressing this particular issue... anyway, I usually create for clients two slideshows from each pte project (one .exe for Winslows and one .app for Mac) using the exact same settings. Sound and images work fine. However, I like to display the image filename for each image so my clients can jot down the image names they want prints of. I use the following template <%MainImg.FileName%> by choosing 'Picture Name' on the 'Comments Tab' in 'Project Options' and on the .exe it displays exactly how I want it to, but on the Mac version it displays the whole path to image i.e C:/Owner/Documents and Settings/Folder Name/ Client Name etc... No options have been changed between the two versions. I do not wish for clients to see this additional info; how do I correct this discrepancy? Many thanks for your help :-) Cheers, Linda
  23. Hi Mac Users, I have just taken the plunge and purchased a Mac with Parallels and Windows 7 (for PTE). I am about to start transferring files (images and music) over to the Mac but am uncertain what file management system I should use. I have played with Adobe Bridge when I used CS and more recently Organizer now that I use PSE9. I find the W7 “Libraries” set up just as confusing so as often as not return to simple Windows Explorer. I suspect that I am guilty of not persevering with Organizer and may well adopt that method. However I know nothing about Mac options so thought I should ask if anybody has any experiences or opinions they would like to pass on. Regards John
  24. When I create a MAC slideshow, using a PC computer with Windows 2000 (yeah, I know it is ancient and unsupported BUT I do not want to change my entire network and virtual private network until I REALLY have to.) I get an error message that says no images when slideshow is played on a MAC. I have tried sending both methods to my clients, creating a ZIP file and clicking on create. I read the user guide and searched the Forum to see if this is a common problem, and was unable to locate anything that would help me. Therefore, I am concerned that either my operating system is the problem or could it be because I have a start-up window with links that access PDF's on my website. I need your help, please. I have several clients begging for a MAC slideshow, which is why I purchased Deluxe. Thank you for your time and attention.
  25. Earlier this year (March), I was having a problem playing an Executable show that was created to play on a Mac. I discovered that if I removed the wav sound files, the problem went away and it then played fine on a Mac. I don't have a Mac handy to do more testing but, at the time, I suggested that this is a 'problem' and hoped that it could be corrected. I did not receive any further responses so I am not sure where this stands. So my question is will a show now created as an Executable for a Mac that contains wav sound files play without a problem now on a Mac? Thanks... Gary
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