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Everything posted by rosy

  1. I have 10.5.7 build 4, just opened my latest show from the PTE icon & the correct show opened. Rosy.
  2. Hi Targa911 If you go to the slideshow club & look at a couple of shows by Lakeland lass, she uses KB regularly & has it off to a fine art. (IMO) Rosy.
  3. Hi GPC You find what is standard uder the Styles & Themes tab, yours could be in a different place than the screen shot, you can move it to where it's best for you. In addition to the basics shown, you can create your own or use one of the many donated by members. Rosy.
  4. Hi Tom I suppose your "Thanksgiving" traditional food leaves the door open for something different for Christmas? I'm afraid your menu wouldn't go down in our house. Chocolate Peanut Butter bars, God help your arteries. When we ordered our Christmas dinner, I ordered 2 desserts. the Christmas Pudding in the show & as an alternative, Sticky Toffee Pudding. That's still in the fridge, untouched. Haven't felt like preparing it yet. It's got quite a long life, hopefully we'll feel like tackling it before it runs out of life., or we get visitors to help us out. Happy New Year. Rosy
  5. Thanks Rosemary, fingers or legs crossed Rosy.
  6. Hi Tom they were taken with my Samsung Galaxy Smart phone. Forgot to take pictures of the cooked food. It was that sort of a day. Hope yours was better. Happy New Year. Rosy.
  7. Our Christmas dinner 2021 didn't go as planned, luckily the NHS were on hand to save the day. Rosy Cheeks. Christmas Dinner 2021
  8. I Un tick HWA 100% of the time. Most of my shows are 90% video. Seems to work OK for me, particularly when fading from one video to the next. Rosy BTW Happy Dhristmas to everyone, keep Omicron free.
  9. Hi Brimar I use a lot of video in my shows, so to keep them to a reasonable size the setting I use are on the enclosed screen shot. Rosy.
  10. I use the dark version of PTE & to my eyes there is very little difference in the slide title between used & unused. An underline would be better if possible. Rosy
  11. Have you set your PC to match the aspect ratio of your new monitor? Rosy
  12. Lead arrived, tried it & it works, normal shutter action & video as per the tripod handle. Rosy.
  13. Decided to try a lead, should arrive today, will report back on results. Rosy 2m M-F micro USB lead.
  14. The only way to do that is to up-scale then crop them, but you'll lose some of the 4-3 image. Rosy. (I think)
  15. Maybe he wants to make large prints? Rosy.
  16. Hi Tom I think I used the wrong word when I said tethered, should have been paired. We had our first visitors since June when I answered your post, must have had brain fade. I took another look at the links & will follow them up later. Cheers Rosy.
  17. Hi Tom Yes I did that some time ago when I was in my gimbal phase. Tried again yesterday but couldn't seem to to get the camera to tether. If I can't find an extension lead I'll give it another try. Don't know if you noticed the Burley Bee in my Mobility video post? I think it's made not far from you.? Thanks for the suggestion.
  18. I'm using this camera for my series of shows on my mobility scooter. The camera comes with a multi function tripod / shutter switch. This connects to the cameras female micro usb connection. I've tried to find a Panasonic remote shutter switch with a 2mtr lead., but there doesn't seem to be one available for this camera. I wondered if I bought a 2m female to male micro usb cable & used that connected to the existing tripod /shutter switch whether that may cause some damage, or not operate the 3 functions shutter / video / sleep. Panasonic are in a Covid sleep down so I can't ask them. I am supposed to be able to use our Smart phone's blue tooth to connect the camera to the phone but it's a bit above my pay grade to get it to operate. Any help would be, well helpful. Rosy.
  19. Another mystery of the internet? Back to the next part, hope to begin the assembly today. There's a frost here so it depends on how much it warms up after lunch. Cheers, Rosy.
  20. Hi Michael. That's an odd one, don't know if it has happened before. Just noticed you spelled my name Rosie which is incorrect maybe something to do with that & Vimeo. Cheers Rosy
  21. Thanks Kieron. Hopefully we will be successful before it's to late to use it. The aim is to take it on a riverside path that is being constructed close to where we live. Cheers Rosy. PS did the same thing happen to you as Michael in the post above?
  22. Our quest for a means of transport other than the car continues. The Boot Scooter sold as it was cumbersome & impractical, the folding scooter from China has proved very useful for a quick nip to the shops, but doesn't answer the problem of carrying two. We had a brief brush with an electric scooter called the Doohan I Tango, which has proved disasterous but may have a happy ending. We looked at powered rickshaws, but they aren't strictly legal unless registered & eventually came across the Trekidoo tricycle rickshaw for kids. I'm not a large person, less than 100lbs & under 5ft, so the Trekidoo for 2 kids & an adult driver looked ideal. After some conversations with the dealer, the electric version was beyond our resourses, so we decided to buy the basic version without electrics & eventually, fit them ourselves. This show contains the preamble up to the Trekidoo, plus the unpacking. The assembly & electrical conversion will follow in due course. It's on Vimeo see My New Mobility Scooter Part 3. Rosy Cheeks.
  23. What size is the show you are trying to publish, there is a limit to the size of show. Are you trying to publish an Exe file or an MP4. Screen shot your action when trying to publish. Rosy.
  24. To go back to basics, when you start ypur production, what aspect ratio do you set ? Rosy.
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