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Tonton Bruno

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Everything posted by Tonton Bruno

  1. Hi. It would be very nice and very handy to get an auto duck function under PTE to correctly mix voice and music. I noticed in french projects that many users are not able to mix correctly voice and music. There is a function under Audacity which performs it perfectly with the default settings. I use it, but each time I add a slide or modify a slide duration, I have to re-do it, which is discouraging.
  2. Ideally, we need a volume control for each sound track, and a final volume control for the whole sound project, and we need also a VU-meter for each of these volume control.
  3. As far as I know, there is no transparent background supported by H264 or H265 protocol. I think there is no AVI or MP4 files with transparent background. I Know only GIF format supporting transparent format in vidéo, but with many other restrictions. Please can you precise what file format do you suggest to achieve your goal ?
  4. You can use a green background under PTE, and suppress it under resolve using the FX filter '3D Keyer'.
  5. You need to use "quick style" in order to preserve individual slide duration and transition.
  6. This the way I manage it. Try any size between 5 and 15.
  7. There is a sort of outlining, using drop shadow and "cone-inverted" Or maybe Denis confused outline and underline.
  8. Of course, I use the VU meters of Audacity for all my project, and I made a tuto to explain it 8 years ago, but it was 8 years ago... So to summarize: - We need a VU meter for each audio track, with a cursor for tuning the global volume of the track. - We need a VU meter for the audio output of the whole project, with a cursor for tuning the final volume of this audio output.
  9. What we need is a VU meter for each sound track and a VU meter for the global output. A kind of mixing deck This is the only way to mix correctly voice and music. Generally I manage to get the peak level for voice at -5 dB and the background music at -20 dB. Doing so I'm sure that no word will be covered by a musical note. And to do so presently I have to use a different software..
  10. This video will help you to create a basic style.
  11. Please wait a while, I'm preparing a little tuto to help you.
  12. Hi. Why don't you try to create this style yourself ? Just make a view as you descibe, and then go to Styles - Tools - Create a style. Put your project draft in the section "Work in progress" and we will help you. After that you will be able to create by yoursel basic styles as this one.
  13. Yes, a warning message indicating the fonts to be loaded would be very useful.
  14. Copying a font without the authorisation of the author is infringing copyright laws. You can copy it only for personal use, even if the fonts are free of charge.
  15. Very great ! Thank you very much !
  16. Very nice transition ! Thank you, Tom !
  17. You can attach each clip to any precise slide. Usually I prepare great projects of 90 minutes for direct streaming. Then I cut the 90mn project int 9 or 10 shorts projects very easily, as all the clips are attached to specific slides and nothing is desynchronised. Here a screen copy to show how audio clips are cut and attached to slides.
  18. If I understand it correctly, you use a sound track from audacity which is 40 minutes long. Open your project, go to the end of the first part (approximately 10 minutes), select the sound track and apply the "split audio clip" command. Now go to the end of the second part (approximately 10 minutes more) and split again the audio clip. Finally you will obtain 4 separate audio clips and you will be able to easily separate your 4 sub-projects.
  19. Next time I hope to get it wright at first try ! Here is the corrected video.
  20. My video was not clear enought. This is the correct description: Assume you open a PTE project named GEROME.pte PTE creates a dummy file named GEROME.lok wich indicates to Windows that the project is being modified. Assume you modify the project and save it without changing the name. PTE renames the original file GEROME.pte.bak and creates a new file named GEROME.pte Whem you close the project, PTE deletes the lock file.
  21. Hi. I record a short video showing all the way it works. Wait 10 minutes.
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