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  1. Yesterday
  2. Greeting Tonton, I don't really understand what your examples are to represent. All I am asking for is the ability to apply Rotation in Framing (Zooming in a bit to remove any 'triangles'). The use of Masks has been suggested but I find them too difficult, cumbersome, especially when you are dealing with a multitude of images from different cameras and different aspect ratios. Being able to Rotate an image/video in Framing as easily as it is to do Zooms and Xs and Ys in Framing, would be the most helpful addition. Thanks...Gary
  3. Hi everyone I think the most suitable solution, if I'm not mistaken, would be the third one I put, but I should use masks. 1ª your example 2ª Without Rotation 3ª Cone rotation Lisbon-MapTest_Jun16-2024_18-39-42.zip
  4. Hi goddi. I made a quick PTE project to try to understand and what you ask for. Is it one of this 6 vues or something différent ? Please click on the images to see borders
  5. Some people ask for rotation in Framing. You can do this using masks. In the attached project you will see a construction that has to be repeated in a similar way for all aspect ratios you need (of course only once for each AR). In my example it is 3:2. Take care of the border: Zoom X and Y of the corresponding rectangle independently, and use Pixels instead of Percentage. As you see, you can even zoom the border, or zoom the image while keeping the border at (almost) constant width. Framing_with_masks.zip
  6. Last week
  7. petitsaxo, Kieron, Rosemary, Thank you all. I really appreciate it. Alex
  8. Thank you Alex. Great work and and slide styles. They are most useful. Rosemary
  9. Thanks for sharing, and providing inspiration Alex. Kieron
  10. Toujours aussi inventif ...c est vraiment ine chance pour nous de vous avoir dans ce forum ...merci
  11. Greetings, You have missed the point. I like to set the image's Zoom to 98% and then set a .5 Border around the image, for example. You can't use C to just rotate the image within the Border. It rotates the image with the Border. I want to be able to rotate the image in Framing which will rotate the image within the Border. Gary
  12. Hi everybody, Here's a little Project, suitable I think for family vacation. It's basically 3 Styles you can combine any way with 2 transitions. Replays Placeholders marked .EDIT with yours Photos or Videos. Here's the Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13PkCYg8XXf3rWjKoa7CqTQEWkcyfAwED/view?usp=sharing Best Alex55
  13. Gary, why not use the Rotate C parameter? I use this often to get horizons etc level. Jill
  14. Greetings Igor, I now understand when you mentioned 'triangles' that you'd get when you rotate an image. For me, that is not a problem. All I have to do is to Zoom in a bit in PTE after Rotation (similar to getting the same results having to crop after you rotate in PS). But to so all this in PTE, makes easier work steps...Rotate/Zoom. And it is not a destructive process. Gary
  15. Gary, I understand your task, it would be useful for many users. Check Google Photos on a PC in web browser. It allows to rotate an image. When you rote the picture, it automatically adjust the size to avoid appearing black strips/triangles around the object borders.
  16. Greetings Igor, All I'd like to have is the ability to Rotate an image/video when it is in Framing. I have a bad habit of not having my images level with the horizon so I have to bring each one into PS to correct it. But I have to try various %s just to get them close. Not a very precise method and time consuming. If Framing has the ability to Rotate, along with S, X & Y, it would save a lot of time and would be more precise, an allow more animation (within Framing). Farming is a great tool but just missing the Rotate function. Not sure about the "applying auto-sizing to the image to avoid black bars/triangles appearing around the edges of the object". I have not suggested that or understand what that would do. I usually just set my Aspect Ratio to 16:9 and go from there. Gary
  17. I hope that PTE12 has a new text module where one can preset the text size for a show. The option for outlining the text, change colour etc would be great. I am aware that there are workarounds but this feature would be so much appreciated especially in such a sophisticated program. Rosemary
  18. Hi Gary, Yes, I remember about your suggestion. I think that when you talk about this rotation option, you also mean applying auto-sizing to the image to avoid black bars/triangles appearing around the edges of the object?
  19. My memory is that we have only ever had to apply modifiers to all three (Pan, Zoom and Rotate) if all three are used in an animation of an Object. It is easy to check the current situation. DG
  20. When Pan, Zoom & Rotate were first introduced, way back in V5 I think, we did have to add the animation speed on all 3 otherwise it didn't always work. But maybe when Modifiers changed (in V9 ?) it was no longer necessary. I don't use them that much these days, so haven't noticed if needed or not. Jill
  21. Greetings Igor, Way back in 2019, I asked if you can add 'Rotate' in Framing. You said it was not possible in PTE10. I am asking again if it can be done with PTE12. It would be a very useful addition. Suggestions to do it with Masks or Styles have been made but I think having a Rotate in Framing would be very useful for images and video clips. Sure, I can bring the images into PS and rotate them there. I'd like to eliminate that step. Can't do that easily with video clips. Hope this is closer to a possibility... Gary
  22. Greetings Dave, Seems you are wondering why I Zoom in (98%) on my images/videos and place a border around it. Yes, it is personal preference. When I look at a picture hanging on a wall, it usually has a frame around it. So for me, a white border with a black edge outside of it, is more natural to look at. Helps to constrain the eye into the 'box'. Having an outside border is not too important for me. I usually want to do some cropping using Framing once I've Zoomed in with my 98% (sometimes 95%) or so. This gives me the ability to not worry about cropping as I take the picture. I can always crop in ( and with x and y) with PTE. I added the Pan for the map just to have it a bit more centered at the end of the Zoom. Gary
  23. By "odd" I mean that as well as Zooming into your Image you have also added an offset to the Pan Parameters (in this case). You have also added your white border "outside" whereas I have added mine "inside". You have still not explained what difference the 98% makes to the overall look when viewed onscreen? It is a personal preference but I cannot see the advantage. DG
  24. Hi, Today we installed the first Beta version of the new macOS 15 Sequoia, which Apple announced yesterday, on our Mac with Apple Silicon. At first glance, PTE AV Studio 11 works correctly.
  25. Greetings Dave, Not sure what you mean by 'odd'. I get my 'map' from doing a screen-grab from Google Maps. It never is exactly the right aspect ratio. So I set the Aspect Ratio to 16:9 in PTE. I also like to Zoom in at about 98%, just to give a black frame around an added .5 Border. In order to Pan/Zoom into the map, I have to use Framing. I looked at your Style and don't really see the difference in the final result, except you have a blurred background image with Shadow. You used Framing, too, so not sure what the difference really is. Yes, mine is not too fancy, but I'm learning... Just about finished with a 7 part project of trip to Portugal, so just glad it's almost done. Gary
  26. Jill, I do not think that we have ever had to use Modifiers on ALL of Pan, Zoom and Rotate if an object only has one or two animation parameters applied. In other words, if an object has Pan and Zoom applied then the Modifier should be applied to both Pan and Zoom but it is not necessary to apply it to the Rotate Parameter. DG
  27. Gary, Going slightly off-topic, I am puzzled as to why you are using Framing in the way you are doing it. The offset positioning of the image which is being "framed" is a little "odd". If you used Framing with a full-screen image it would perhaps make more sense. Here's an example of on of my Framing Styles. P.S. for best effect apply to 3 or more images (16x9) Frame-Zoom In.ptestyle
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