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Rosemary A

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Everything posted by Rosemary A

  1. I am hoping that the text module will be updated in the next PTE release. It is cumbersome to have to copy and paste text slides especially when there are lots of text slides in the show. Rosemary
  2. Thanks Dave. That looks easy enough. Rosemary
  3. Thank you Igor for all your hard work and trying to keep all your PTE users happy. The route I took to change the title was cumbersome but achieved the desired result. I look forward to all the changes in the next version. Rosemary
  4. Thanks Dave; I knew there must be an easier route. I have deleted templates by going to Users>PTE exe>templates and deleting it from there. Mostly for spelling mistakes!!!! Sleep well. Rosemary
  5. I have made templates from all my PTE AV shows. How do I change the title of the template to read "Norwegian Cruise 2019 - Geringer? The template is just titled "Geringer" which separates it from the rest of the ports of call. I have tried going to Templates but I can't see an option to change the title there. I have also reloaded the template, saved it to the desktop, changed the name and then resaved it to Templates. I was hoping for an easier way if that is possible. Thanks, Rosemary
  6. Hi RCRA. Welcome to the forum. If it is any consolation I was in the same boat as you. Don't despair and post lots of questions. May I suggest Barry Beckhams video "Lets make a Slideshow" It walks you through the basics. I find it helpful to have the tutorial on another devise so I can stop the tutorial whilst I carry out the instruction. Good luck. Rosemary https---www.google.com-search-q=barry+beckham+let%27s+make+a+slideshow+with+music&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCA850CA850&oq=Barry+Beckhan+L.url
  7. Great show thank you for sharing. I remember the TV show well and watched it when we lived in UK Rosemary
  8. Thank you for this great template. I had great fun making a show with early to late pictures of my husband. Rosemary
  9. Savoie is truly a great artist and you presented his work beautifully. Makes me appreciate the west coast of Canada where we only get a couple of inches of snow and it mostly melts quickly. Thank you for sharing. Rosemary A
  10. Thank you 2007 for the beautiful video and greetings. Happy New Year to you and your family and thank you for all the help given in 2023. Much appreciated. Rosemary
  11. Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy, healthy, 2024. Rosemary
  12. Thank you for sharing these unique styles. They are going to be very useful. Rosemary
  13. Thank you for sharing this show. It is great to see how you use slidestyles so effectively. I enjoyed it and also the history lesson. Marie Elisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrenca was obviously a great artist. Rosemary
  14. VBL 2007 You are a genius! All I had to do is reboot the computer and the styles downloaded with no problem into PTE. There is wisdom in the saying "When in doubt - Reboot" Thank you. Rosemary
  15. Hi, I am having my usual problem with downloading these styles. I get a notice which states that the style is corrupt or made in a later version of PTE. I am using the latest version so can't see the problem. Any suggestions as I love these styles. Thank you VBL2007 Rosemary
  16. Thank you Dave. I wasn't scrolling down to the bottom of the Project Options screen. Another lesson learned. Rosemary
  17. Hi Igor, I cannot find the option to select Cover in Option A that you mentioned. See the screen I get. Rosemary
  18. I think you have made the correct decision to send it back. I just couldn’t depend on it because of the lens retraction problem.My lens extension is also slow and by the time I get the lens extended, the bird has flown. I now have a Canon t8i. A big switch for me as I always had a Nikon. Rosemary
  19. We got one for mine through Aliexpress.com about 6 months ago.or Amazon also have them for $40 Canadian. Aliexpress is cheaper! Rosemary
  20. I hope that you are as happy with your new toy as I am with my P900 (it's predecessor) The only problem I have had with it was the lens didn't retract when the lever was moved. I had to turn the camera off so as the lens retracted. I got that fixed and have no problems now. I think that the mechanism suffered on the trip up the west coast of Norway - wet, foggy and snow in July!
  21. I shall wait and hope that you make the styles. Thank you. Rosemary
  22. VBL 2007, I love these. Is it possible to share the slide styles especially the first one with the rotating pictures? Thanks Rosemary
  23. Thanks Rosy. I am so out of touch with BBC shows... Anyhow it is so appropriate for your show. Rosemary
  24. Great slide show. I love the first tune. Can you share what it is? Rosemary
  25. I am glad you were successful Ingrid. I have had this problem in the past either by my own lack of PTE knowledge or gremlins! On this occasion I retried to install the slidestyle and it transferred as planned. No idea why! Rosemary
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