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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Reminds me very much of the Otavalo Market in Ecuador. Very nice
  2. FYI Lin and Frans, out of curiosity I tried the file in VLC on my desktop PC, it ran very smoothly (as smoothly as it did on the default Win10 "Movies and TV"). I can't find the specs for the desktop, but it was very well spec'ed out 2 (3?) years when I bought it.
  3. Pretty damn good Lin!! I am no expert on video and I was watching it on a 24" monitor but sure looked very sharp and exacting. Not sure I understand the 60fps - I thought video was 30fps (29.95) and 60fps would look sped up....... Love the new laws of physics that a flag can be blown straight out, yet the snow wafts slowly straight down
  4. Beautiful images taken n beautiful light and put together in a beautiful AV production. Looks like nice places to be "out and about" to. Thanks Maureen
  5. Nice one Lin Very subtle changes going on in background - nice
  6. Trés bien. Je l'aime Joyeux Noel Mur
  7. And it is another terrific production Maureen !
  8. Very good Lin. Almost looked like the sun had a smiling face on it after the moon went across it. Did the Old man in the moon link up with a new friend ? ☺
  9. I am sure someone will come along with a better solution, but one way would be to publish the 6 AV shows as MP4's and then make one new show using the 6 MP4's. I haven't used the latest version on PTE, but if those MP4 files are too big to do it that way, then use a video editor program to combine the files. PhotoShop will also do it for you.
  10. Nicely done Maureen, both the AV and the pictures. Music worked well. The colours of the country came across well in many of the images. It was great so many of the pictures were taken early/late in the day, really gives nice warmth. The livestock market reminded me of the one I visited in Otavalo, Ecuador. Any more shows coming from the trip ??
  11. For me, the link took me to my YOU TUBE Manager page
  12. Interesting what people do with their time to deal with boredom ☺☺ Nice ! BTW, the link that came out in the e-mail notification didn't work, but I went to the posting and all was well.
  13. Hi Barry and Jeff: Thought I would chime in as well. I haven't watched it every day/week, but I have watched it about 5 times and fwded the link to a few people in Australia who I thought might like to see a beautiful portrayal of part of their country. But I think this is first AV of yours Barry that I was "uncomfortable" with. The information provided was excellent, the music was well chosen and synched, but I tend to agree with Jeff re the number of similar images. In the vein of one AV guideline: "leave them wanting more" I had seen more than enough of the Three Sisters, even though they were all excellent. I agree with not wanting to put images in that you are not happy with, but the other option of course is to shorten it a bit. But I am sure the "Blue Mountains" are more than just the Three Sisters and other images would work. "Know your target audience" also comes in to play as well. If I were planning a trip to the Blue Mountains, I would be very interested in seeing (perhaps more) Three Sisters images from all angles and lighting conditions before I went to help me plan the visit, but as a general interest audience participant, "less is more" comes into play.
  14. Very nice show Barry. I know you have access to an extensive library of royalty free music, but I wasn't sure if that music was from there. I am curious as You Tube always jumps on me when I use copyrighted music (Which I understand) But they also frequently object when I use royalty free music too. Do you have any secrets in how to deal with this?
  15. Mike: Dave and Barry pretty well said it all. I would add that the synchronization of the music to the images is very important as well. I have attached two sets, somewhat duplicative, that I prepared for "lectures" that I did way back in 2008/9. While a few years old, I think they still can be used as guidelines. AV preparation work flow-20090314.pdf AV Techniques Rev 2008-20090221.pdf
  16. LIn/Robert: back in thew days when the software fit on a 3.5" floppy..... It was amazing what we could do with it then, but it pales by today
  17. Oops, kids not lambs.... I'm embarrassed
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