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Everything posted by Jean-Cyprien

  1. What do you mean by "move layer" ? Move the position of the file (up, down) ? If yes, it's also possible to move it with CTRL or shift + PgUp or PgDn
  2. Very good news, this is a good surprise, thanks Igor !
  3. Sorry to have used the wrong word. Of course it's better to avoid confusion. I'll try to do better the next time !!! Regards Jean-Cyprien
  4. I've tested with wav mp3 and ogg For me, it's like Denis has described : the new audiofile is no longer linked with the view as the previous audiofile was, although the box is still checked and the number of the view still visible. You have to uncheck the box, to re-check it, and then to write the number of the view. >> If the audiofile is no longer linked to a view, the box must be automatically unchecked. Or if the case stay checked, the audiofile must stay linked.
  5. Thanks MUR, When you move a view, the following views move too. And so, all the audioclips attached to those files move too, Not those linked with the views which precede the view you move. That is, I think a normal way to work. You don't agree ? What I find surprising is to mix the audioclips as you've done. Usually, the audioclip N is below the view N - or not far - and linked to this view N, not to an other. If you put the audioclip N under the view P, and then you want that the audioclip N stay with the view P, you have to change the link from N to P. Not just to change its position.
  6. Sorry, I've answered to rapidly. In Animation, put the opacity at 100% again. In Properties choose Transparent for the theme. It's more transparent that the other. Put Bottun opacity to 0% All the button files are to be put above the other files (such as the masks)
  7. You're welcome, Judy ! Note that instead of a button, you could use a frame (invisible by default) to do the same things (even, a picture), and - as the button - at the top of the files
  8. It is necessary to put the buttom at the top of the file. Its opacity could be put to zero, it'll be valid. Here is a quick example, if it can help you Button.zip
  9. Sorry, MUR, but I don't understand what you do: I did it with 8 slides and 6 very short audioclips Link audioclip 6 to slide 2 and then audioclip 2 ro slide 5 OK. But what about the audioclips 1 3 4 and 5 ? and later : In the second case, link also audioclip 7 to slide 2 But you have only 6 audioclips ? Regards Jean-Cyprien
  10. Hi MUR, I've made a tutorial with a lot of explanation for this BézierCurve Maker http://diapositif.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=36573 But unfortunately for you, it's in French, so I fear it'll not be very useful for you. But do try it all the same ! The BézierCurve Maker is self-sufficient, and it is absolutely unnecessary to know a language such as Pascal... Regards Jean-Cyprien
  11. Hi Gary, You could also use the border in Properties/Adjust image and border : width and color Best regards Jean-Cyprien
  12. You have to duplicate your files (Perhaps you could put all your files as children of a frame) Then move the keypoints of each duplicate file (with CTRL + E) by the delay' time and play with the opacity. If this new images are shadows, their files must be under the original files
  13. Hi Mur, It is possible to do it in a view, in the same way as I have made it in this AV : http://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/171-two-poppies/ You have to cut the view in ribbons. A lot of ribbons, so you have to use the help of Excel (or a similar software) I've made a transition where you could see how to do (by editing it). It needs a lot of power, so the fluidity is not always there. Note that I've used masks, but it's certainly possible to do the same things with the canvas size (of Properties/Adjust image and border) Regards Jean-Cyprien Ouverture_Centre(1).zip
  14. It's always very interesting to look at old photos, specially when we could know where and when they were taken. And also when we know the identity of the figures. Thank you, Lin. I thought I'll look at a lot of Civil War photos. Perhaps it's better with only the few you've put here : unfortunately this is the sad reality of all the wars ! As I'm also interested by old photographic processes and techniques, I remember having looked at the Civil War 150 Pinhole Project : http://civilwar150pinholeproject.com/ Of course, at the time, the photos were just in Black and White. But I like the smoothness and the hazy ambiance of some of them. Best regards Jean-Cyprien
  15. I'm not sure I understand what you write. For me 3 fps capture and 30 fps playback = is not 10 x capture time but capture time /10 You have an acceleration, as for your video in example. With 1 fps capture, your movement is more accelerated. In this way you can see - for example - the blossoming of flower in a few seconds, the movement of the clouds and the sun, or the stars by night... the racing of snails, If your camera is able to take more then 30 fps, you'll then see a "slow motion", and for example to see 300 fps capture and 30 fps playback will be really take 10xcapture time You'll then be able to study the flight of the birds, See the numerous example in "Slow motion" with Google
  16. Hi Igor, At least three French users have had little worries with a picture file : for each keyframe (except at the beginning 000 ms, if there was there a keyframe), the data were dimmed, thus without the possibility to be modified, and there was no grips (handles ?) of the frame around the picture forbidding the modification with the mouse. The reason of this was odd values for the time of the keyframe : not just millisecond, but with a fraction of millisecond (6 figures !) ! Knowing this, it is not difficult to correct the file : -- Modify the duration of the view, and then, return to the right duration (with "Scale keyframe in objects" being ticked) -- Or just for the bad file, use CTRL + E 0.5 s on one direction, and return. Unfortunately the origin of the bugged file is not really knowned. Maybe a copy/past of a file from an other view, than perhaps the replacement of the file (Properties Picture , the icon on the right) , and finally the change of the duration ? But I am not able to reproduce the defect. Have other people had such trouble ? And how ??
  17. Not really an answer, but, to be sure the show will not start if you forget to press the space bar, I'd rather use the right arrow, used as the next slide (with the "permit control" box ticked in project options), with a first blank slide, of 1 seconde (for example, or less), and for this first slide, in Slide Options / Main, Timing : "Loop this slide". The show will not start before you press the right arrow
  18. You cut the view, which is a rectangle : the height by 18 and the lenght also by 18. You cann't have square Try 27 and 18 for a 3:2 aspect ratio
  19. Hi Peter, Very interesting documentary, and very nice AV, Peter. Just the best value of the blur parameter ! And fine transistions. (sometimes a little difficult for me to understand at the first listening, due to the words I don't know - or their pronounciation !! ) What a coincidence : yesterday, the 21st May, Google has paid a tribute to Mary Anning who discovered a lot of ichthyosaurus and plesiosaurus http://www.google.com/doodles/mary-annings-215th-birthday http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Anning Thanks my friend, Best Regards Jean-Cyprien
  20. Congratulations for the hard work (pictures and PTE project the same day, wouah! ), and the very fine result !
  21. Maybe, my first answer was a little too fast, and after reflection, the effects are perhaps not as simple as that (to be used as transitions). I am not at home, but I'll look at what can be done as soon as possible.
  22. Hi Tom, Quite every time you use 3D objects you need several speeds, In every case (2D or 3D), today, you have to start from an initial stop if you want to accelerate, and if you decelerate the movement, it is up to a final stop. (unless you use nested frames) So the proposal is not a "fine" adjustment of the speed, but a reel necessity if you want an acceleration, not from a stop, but from a previous speed. And not a final stop after a deceleration.
  23. Yes, it'll be a nice improvement, far easier to use than nested frames ! But even with this new possibility, it'll be interesting to have the key frames already separated, as asked many times, like here : http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/16808-animation/?hl=glued#entry111418 Thanks, jt Regards, Jean-Cyprien
  24. To do such "simple" effects you speak of, I think you could better use Transition effects rather than Styles. Then, you could open a new PTE project, and click on "Project Options" In the tab "Transitions" you load all the personal transitions you want to be used, and chek the appropriate boxes (unfortunately the duration of all the transitions will be the same that you'll put in "Transition effect duration" ) Then you put your several views in the project. PTE will apply the personal transitions (and possibly the standard transitions you have chosen) at random during the preview (or exe) (This is always the same when several boxes are checked) You can also choose the transitions in Project Options afterwards. In both cases, the transitions applied by "Slide options" are preferred (retained)
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