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Everything posted by denisb

  1. Thanks Vilara and PGA, now I understand that this button works like a chekcbox. I had some trouble whith it. Really, when I go to the project option (not the slide option), I suppose, if I ask for the slide number, it's for all the slides. Denis
  2. I am French, that's why i anser. It works, but it's better to avoid accent if you want to create backup in ZIP. Denis
  3. Hi, its not a PTE problem. On my computer, it works Denis
  4. On my PC, my memory card (1GB of memory) is full. PTE seem to ask more graphic card memory Denis
  5. I know and agree. It's not the problem. When you have -100.000 in the pan dialog box and you want -200.000 , you select the 1 and type 2 and it's ok. When you do the same thing in the "size/position in pixels of parent", it does't work, you obtain 2.000 instead of -200.000. Regards Denis
  6. Hello, in the box "Size/position in pixels of parent" relative to the O&A dialogue window, I have a value -100.000 for the Y position (in pixels). I want to put -200. I select 1 and I type 2 Lost, the result is 2.000, not -200.000 I insist, selecting -100 and typing -200 Still lost, the result is still 2.000 Selecting -100.000 and typing -200 Bingo, the result is good On the "Original mode" tab, the results are similar In 7.5.10 same small problem ... Regards Denis
  7. When i have the problem of custom icon of PTE (it's windows who keep the old icon in its icon cache), I open a Command Prompt and type: ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache In fact, i have created a batch file on the desktop. It's the easiest way i found on the web. Denis
  8. Peter, but your solution ( use a backup-zip to transfer one project to the other computer) is probably the more efficient. Denis
  9. After copy open notepad, paste, save on a pendrive. On the second PC, open with notepad, select all, copy, open PTE and paste Denis
  10. Thanks Igor, it's a small problem but it's better if rename works Denis
  11. That's what i write in #4 Denis
  12. Rename with the rename style menu like in the figure. Click rename and nothing change Denis
  13. hello Dave, it's not a problem of my style. Try to rename your style ARTY BORDER to Arty Border and you will see. It is not renamed without any comment of PTE. Denis
  14. Of course, I can, and as the name seems to be not case sensitive, PTE ask me if i want to replace style "neige" by style "Neige". For PTE it's the same style. I know three methods to do what i want. I can also change the name in the xml file. It was just a surprise for me that the style name doesn't change when i change it for a valid name. It seems that i am alone to think it is a problem. So it's normal. May be an administrator can close "ranaming slide style" Denis
  15. I don't know if it's good, i just want to do like Wnsoft do. The style category begin with an upper-case letter, the style name itself begin with an upper-case letter. If i look at the French translation, style category and style name begin with an upper-case letter. I just want to change "neige" by "Neige" In order to do that, i change "neige" to Dummy and then change "Dummy" to "Neige", so i don't need that change, i know how to do. In program or function of a program, or constant or variable or class, it depends of what programming language you use. Denis
  16. Hello, renaming a slide style from lower case letters to upper case letters does not work. Denis
  17. Hello I think, when a style include additional image, that this image must be copied in the zip file. When a link is C:\.....\image.png, image.png is copied When the link is %styles%\{AD...CE}\image.png, image.png is not copied. When someone apply a user style, make a zip file and send it to a friend, he suppose it works (like in 7.5). But it doesn't work, he must put himself the image.png in the zip. Denis
  18. I have not the time to do a tutorial, and my English is not enough good. But you can see how to construct a sphere with the tutorial of JPD i used: http://diapositif.net/V6/Globe_24_x_48.zip and then ask NASA for the pictures of planets. A lot of copy, search and replace, and paste,.... it's not really "realistic", the clouds are not present. Denis
  19. Hello, if you want to see "realistic" rotating Earth and other planets made only with PTE (no video) go to the following link: http://www.diapositif.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=37936 and clic on "TELECHARGER la VERSION PC" (download) Denis
  20. exiftool can change the "file modify date" to the "original media creation date" of all your pictures in a directory with one commandline: exiftool "-DateTimeOriginal>FileModifyDate" directory Best regards Denisb
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