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Everything posted by jt49

  1. Typically, PTE uses the fonts that are installed in Windows.
  2. Davegee's suggestion (second post above) is the way to go. First: Put question and answer on one slide. Create a copy of this slide. In the first copy, delete the answer again, and choose an appropriate transition from the first copy to the second one, e.g. a simple dissolve. Going from copy 1 to copy 2 will show the effect that you want to see.
  3. This is not quite correct The subsequent clips are only implicitly linked (not really linked). You will see that if you highlight the corresponding slide in the slide list, copy it, and paste it somewhere else. Only really linked clips will follow it. So, we see an inconsistency with PTE. When moving a slide in the slide list with the mouse, things seem to work well. But if you move it with copy, paste, and delete (original slide), the result can be a different one
  4. PTE does not like it if you try to link audio clips to the same slide in case when the clips are on the same track. If you try to this in the Timelime, it does not work (as you have noticed). But you can do it, but only in the Audi tab in the Project Options. There was a discussion on this subject here: I often face the situation to have several short clips on the same track that belong to the same slide, and I like it to have them all linked to this slide. So I do it anyway, even if PTE marks them red in the Project Options, but it works.
  5. We had the fixed size feature up to version 9. Version 10 hasn't got it any longer. What about asking your members to deliver their images at 2560x2024 (or 2000x1600)? And in PTE's Project Options choose 5:4.
  6. In O&A, I see the decimal comma , but in Slide Options (regarding seconds), I see a decimal dot . Is it a problem ???
  7. Sorry, but (as indicated in my (German) video) the 3 images were taken from Wikipedia. My contribution is the construction of style which can be applied on all panorama images of that kind. It automatically cuts the panorama image into 40 pieces, places them on a kind of carousel, and turns them around PTE's eye point.
  8. In the above style the position of the eye point is not quite correct, which (hopefully) is correctly located 346.41% in front of the screen. Here is a modification of this style. The effect does not look much different: Cylindrical_Panorama_360--V2.ptestyle
  9. The input should be a rather precise cylindrical panorama covering 360 degrees with an aspect ratio of 3.2 : 1 or greater. This is typically the case when using a single row panorama. In my video I also show a panorama that covers only about 190 degrees. But before applying the style I extended the image's width appropriately with dummy pixels.
  10. The following style can be used to present cylindrical 360-degree panoramas (with an aspect ratio of 3.2 : 1 or greater). Insert the panorama image into PTE and apply the style, following the given description. Cylindrical_Panorama_360.ptestyle The video below gives an outline of the construction (in German) and shows some examples: https://youtu.be/64iVq58uql8 This style shows a deficiency of PTE, that some French experts (including JPD) already mentioned a couple of years ago. In PTE, all 3D-objects are rendered using a fixed eye point (observation point), about 342% in front of the screen. It would be fine if PTE would offer slide options for changing the position of the slide's eye point.
  11. Arguments with a lack of logic do not become better when using capital letters
  12. Problems with "KFSD": This "feature" has side effects. Changes of transition times while using the slide view, and rearrangements of slides may cause changes of transition points and of the overall length of a show. If you work with slides that are synchronized to the audio part, the use of KFSD is rather dangerous. Example: KFSD-Test.pte
  13. New users typically do not know it Another example KFSD
  14. Das freut mich! Zur Information: AudioVision München e.V. (AV-Club in München-Obermenzing, nahe A8) Es gibt eine PTE-Benutzergruppe in Kooperation mit dem CameraClub 77 der VHS München-Nord
  15. Parameter "Rahmung Y" anpassen?
  16. Wir können gerne im deutschen Forum kommunizieren
  17. Children inherit the blur of their parents. So a parent-child-construction is not the way to go
  18. At present time, you have to insert the video into all slides: In the first slide insert it as master video; in all other slides as a linked video.
  19. Put (copies of) the images and (a copy of) the project file (.pte) into a common folder.
  20. Link all your audio clips to slides.
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