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Everything posted by jt49

  1. It really is a pity that this features has gone
  2. jt49


    Thanks for the kind remarks. The major concern of this topic was not to present a particular style, but to set a pointer to Tom's service. It seems that many authors of styles ignore it, and the authors who did use it do not spend that much effort to maintain it. Wouldn't it be fine if users could find and have a preview of all styles published in this forum in just one place?
  3. When playing videos on a large screen, it will depend on the media player and its settings, if there will be upscaling or not. When (e.g.) using VLC it is possible to choose settings that upscaling does not happen. When playing exe shows we had in V9 the feature of "Fixed Size", which got lost with V10. So upscaling now cannot be prevented with exe shows.
  4. Photodex Corporation is closing on January 31, 2020. After this date, you will no longer be able to access the Photodex website, technical support, or online services. http://www.photodex.com/shutdown.html
  5. "File > Open" is there for opening PTE-Projects, and not for loading images into your show. Use the File tree in order to show the images of "Grand Cayman" in the File List. Then drag images into the Slide List. You will find information in the Online Help: https://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/10.0/main-window_1/images_videos
  6. jt49


    I have created a simple Style "Sextet" in order to test Tom's PTE Archive (Depository for Styles and Transitions). Preview here . Sextet.ptestyle
  7. In principle, it's OK. But if you enter large values, the ADD Mask Window looks like that:
  8. This topic refers to the example in: https://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/topic/22593-round-corner-edges/?do=findComment&comment=145676 Please extend the range for the size of masks in the corresponding window when using the slider:
  9. This is only true if Rotate X is zero. Compare: 1) The original image with "Rotate Y = 180" and "Rotate X = -45" 2) An externally mirrored version of the original image with "Rotate Y = 0" and "Rotate X = -45" . An additional flip function would not be that bad !
  10. Thanks Daniel. The relevance of the mask's dimension can be studied in the following project: 3 (almost) identical slides. The only difference: The masks have different dimensions (512x512, 1024x1024, and 4096x4096). Run the project at full screen (1920x1080). Dimension_of_Mask.zip
  11. You only get perfect round corners in cases where the mask's size is at most "Original Size". So on a screen with a resolution much larger than 1024 (e.g. 4K), the mask has to be rather small in order to have perfect edges. If you make it larger, it will be up-scaled. Of course in cases where the edges are blurred or the radius is zero, up-scaling does not matter.
  12. It is a pity that the mask template is restricted to 1024x1024
  13. Berny, kannst Du Deinen Vorschlag etwas genauer beschreiben?
  14. Do you think that people not using styles produce AV on a lower level? Let me comment this with a smile
  15. I am sorry to say that I do not totally agree with the opinions from above If someone comes to this forum in order to get an impression of PTE, he might have a look at this video. He may not look at the whole video but only at the first 5 or 6 minutes. What does he see? It is a single track of images with black stripes that do not cover the whole screen. After a while the black stripes are eliminated. But this is done using styles which add effects that not all photographers or AV-people would like to see. This may lead to a wrong impression
  16. I have saved a few templates without any images, just with a blank slide. I use them to set the Project Options for new projects (Settings > Preferences > Templates ...)
  17. In the Timeline you can link several audio clips to the same slide, if the clips are on different tracks. In the Audio tab of the Project Options you can link several clips to the same slide even if they are on the same track (they will be marked red, but it works). It has been asked several times to change the present behavior in the Timeline. Remark: Overlapping clips on the same track which both are linked to a slide do not have the automatic crossfade.
  18. l do it in a similar way as Jill. I prefer a portable version of MPC-HC in the folder of the overall presentation. Calling the player can be done using a relative path, and the relative path to the video is added as parameter. The advantage of this method is that you can move the presentation folder to other machines. Of course you have to set the options of MPC-Hc that it starts at full screen and exits at end of playback.
  19. While giving a course on PTE I used my notebook with the notebook's monitor as Monitor 1, and a projector as Monitor 2. I started PTE, placed the Main Window on Monitor 2, and chose Monitor 2 for the Preview (Preferences > System). This was OK for the normal Preview (starting with slide 1) and also for the "Toast". The fullscreen preview from the cursor position only showed on Monitor 1 (not that fine for a demonstration). I opened the O&A Editor (on Monitor 2) and tried to change the options for the Grid. The Grid options showed up on Monitor 1.
  20. Photodex ended development of ProShow Gold and ProShow Producer in 2018. http://web.photodex.com/
  21. The world will go on turning if we do not have this feature, but I myself would be happy to see it. As long as I present my shows in an environment that is under my control, I will not need it. But as I take part in festivals, and as my work will be distributed among the regional groups of AV-Dialog (German umbrella organization), among the juries of Challenge 321 and others, it would favorable for me to have upscaling protection. IMO it is a good feature, at least it would be very nice to have it
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