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Everything posted by MUR

  1. Yes Lin, you helped me with that, but I think that must be included in hotkeys MUR
  2. Hi When I have sound tracks with many settings and I need to duplicate it, I link it with a slide, then copy and paste that slide and I have everything duplicated, then I delete the link and delete the additional slide and I have a copy of the sound with all its editions To avoid confusion, I paste it at the end of the project and then move the soundtrack It is very fast MUR
  3. Hii Maybe is my mistake, but I can't see Alt+G hotkey in O&A to toggle global time. MUR
  4. Hi Barry Ys, it is an interesting thing. I am going to tinker with it. MUR
  5. Hi Tom It is a video mask. A screen capture from a Photoshop black slide with a white brush. MUR
  6. I decided to save an old negative, copying it on paper, but I do not have a dark room anymore, so I will use the magic brush of PTE. MUR Magic PTE.zip
  7. Hi Pictures to Exe, is still very little used in the western hemisphere, I think because of ignorance. Maybe it would be a good idea, to take works like this and many others and make a kind of library, for those who ask about the possibilities of this great software. MUR
  8. Hi Very well, I discovered that the earth is round, but I was not the first MUR
  9. I guess it's a very old idea, but for me it's a new discovery MUR Simulated Panning.zip
  10. Hi Igor This is a repeated comment, when I add keyframes in PTE 9, the distribution is different than in PTE 8. By doing animations I need the uniform distribution, so it would be very good to have that option in PTE 10. Please comment if someone else, consider this option necessary. MUR
  11. More than five years ago, I posted this simple exercise MUR Illusion for PC.exe (It is a different thing, I know)
  12. In relation to future versions of O & A, I think that for those who make animations, it would be very good, in addition to the tabs of Properties and Animation, had one to open the list of images instead of lowering the separation bar, make adjustments in the variables and raise it again many, many times MUR
  13. Hi snmokinggoldfish In my computer also, all the drivers seems to be with the last version, bur there were ANOTHER version in INTEL site that solved the problem. I am very sorry because I don't have the address to download it. MUR
  14. Hi I posted two or three month ago, a similar problem, that was fixed installing an upgrade of the Intel chip driver, that Dell (my computer is a Dell laptop), suggested. I only click a button in Dell Assistant, so I have not the address of that driver upgrade. MUR
  15. Hi LIn I am only making assumptions, but since the problem is with reduced sizes and the pixels are whole numbers (there is no fraction of pixels), when scaling images, some pixels are lost. You could try with higher overlap. MUR
  16. Hi Lin It may be that when the page is cut into vertical slices to see the movement, each slice must be at least one pixel wider, so that with the overlap the lines disappear MUR
  17. Hi Dave I have not problems opening it. MUR
  18. Hi I placed in slideshowlub, other examples of possibilities of altering images in PTE without the need of other software. MUR
  19. Hi JudyKay I use Avidemux, a simple and free software that is enough for common tasks MUR
  20. Hi Jean-Cyprien Thanks for that useful work. It opens so many possibilities. This can be used in short texts MUR Typewriter.zip
  21. I need to improve my english MUR
  22. Hi Dave: Very beautiful and the music helps a lot to the feeling of peace and beauty, although I did not understand anything (Latin?) MUR
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