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Rosemary A

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Everything posted by Rosemary A

  1. Rosy, we tried the same with deer. They eat almost everything in the garden including roses. After a while the little brats just ignored the sounds! Loved your show and good luck in your new home. Rosemary
  2. Thanks Tom for a great transition. Rosemary
  3. Thank you Tom. Another very useful addition to the transition list. Rosemary
  4. Welcome Bluetune. I enjoyed your show very much. Thank you for sharing. I am assuming that the Island was Iceland a place we have yet to visit when we can! Rosemary
  5. Thank you jt49. Simple but very useful and effective. Rosemary
  6. I tend to make slideshows of places we have visited on cruises. I like to give a brief text of where and what is of interest. Just explains what the pictures are all about to someone not familiar with the location. I tend to make a separate slide for that text rather than writing on the picture. Rosemary A
  7. Dave, one learns something new every day. Your method works. Saves a ton of time. Thank you. Rosemary.
  8. I too would like the ability to set the text size for the entire show at the onset. I tend to put a lot of text in a show and it looks "untidy" if the text is of a different size throughout the show. I tend to make a slide with the text at the beginning of the show and then copy and paste that slide where I insert text. Means deleting the text from the pasted slide but at least the text is a uniform size. I am hoping for an upgraded text model in the upcoming version. Rosemary
  9. That would be another learning curve for this old brain!! Thanks Rosy. Rosemary
  10. Thank you jkb. I shall have to try that option. Wideangle, thank you. I must of missed putting your suggestion in my binder of PTE tips. That binder is getting quite fat! Rosemary
  11. My beef about DSLRs is that there is no option to shoot 16x9 hence having to crop etc. My cheaper P900 has that capability so why not the others? One would think that eg Nikon and Canon would provide this option. I am not an accomplished photographer but I sure would appreciate not having to crop to 16x9. Rosemary
  12. Thank you Barry for this very informative video. I like to save the pictures etc in one folder along with the show link and then when I reopen a show months or years later and see that dreaded window pop up " Some files from this show are missing. Would you like to search for them" all I have to do is point PTE in this case, towards the saved file. Rosemary
  13. Thank you so much. The zip option never occurred to me. I was so accustomed to Producer option to collect the files. The zip is easier. Rosemary
  14. Hi, Is there any way that I can save the pictures that I have used in a show? I like to put all recourses for a show in it's own folder including pictures used for future reference. Rosemary
  15. Hi Dom, Sorry to be so dumb but I have downloaded your handwriting style and am completely lost. I have made the project as requested but how and where do I select the letters? I am assuming that they do not download into "styles or themes" Any help would be much appreciated. Rosemary
  16. Thank you for this fun style. Has lots of possibilities. Rosemary
  17. Thank you Gogs. Now I can play! Stay safe over there in bonnie Scotland. Rosemary
  18. Thank you George. These links are a great help. Rosemary
  19. Gogs, would you mind sharing? My Russian and skills are not so good! Where do you get the translation from? Rosemary
  20. Thank you Paul. These look like fun. Rosemary
  21. Thanks again, Barry. I have already tried this method and it works well. I had wrongfully assumed that I could do everything in PTE. The whole process was rapidly becoming an obsession!! Now on to some more of your tutorials for which I sincerely thank you. I am finding quite a learning curve between PTE AV Studio and ProShow Producer. Rosemary
  22. Hi Barry, Thank you for your explanation. I must of missed that line in your tutorials about using an image editor to place the photos. Back to Scrapbooking days for me. I use Corel PaintShop Pro 2019 64 bit. I am happy with it as I have used it for years. It does the same job as Photoshop for me. It even accepts Photoshop plugins. Rosemary
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