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Everything posted by JudyKay

  1. Pretty cool, but I keep having to go hunt for Dehaze. I like the update, especially in LR.
  2. Great suggestions that I appreciate and find helpful. Thanks to you all.
  3. If I am creating slide shows really quickly. I grab images from folders here and there and drag them onto the PTE timeline. I have image links going to who knows where. But, once I back the whole thing up to a Zip file, all the images with links to the zipped folder (not the original folder) are properly redirected. Right? I have been spending a lot of time selecting images and putting them in folders for each slideshow. FAster is just to drag the image from wherever I find it to the PTE timeline. I am wanting to trust that everything works if I do this and then zip it up to "fix" all the links for archiving. I could test it, but if anyone knows offhand I thought it quicker to ask.
  4. I have been working a lot in PTE recently. I am just amazed and very, very grateful for this amazing, refined software. Igor, thank you. JK
  5. I think a Properties tab "Mute Slide" might have some value. I have needed it once in my life, so maybe not. The O&A window mute is necessary to mute individual videos when there may be several in a slide. Mute Slide would be at a different location, although an intuitive location and would mute all videos on a slide. I suppose Mute slide ("mute all videos on this slide") could also be on an O&A. That might also meet JKB's wants. Would it? My application is that I sometimes throw in a few seconds of video clip, or an arrangement of them, but don't want the video audio. The method we presently have works for me, but would be a chore if there were a lot of video clips. In my present case, I only have 18.
  6. There it is! Thanks, so much! You made me all happy!
  7. 1. I thought there was a way to mute the audio from a single video object in a slideshow. How do I? 2. Is there a way to mute the entire audio in a slideshow (other than turning the volume off)?
  8. Thanks for the well-presented video Barry. Very clear, Very nicely done. I tried that method long ago and sometimes use it here and there. For now, I will stick to my preferred methods, but your video could be very helpful to some people. I just don't know how to recommend it. I wish it had a less pejorative tone since people other than forum users, designed to receive the negativity, might have benefitted. Maybe rework it?
  9. These days I consider how people are likely to watch my show. Nowadays, it is likely to be on a 4K 42' - 65" TV. I check my shows on a 55" 4K TV as well as a Dell monitor. A large screen TV doesn't look and feel the same as a screen on a desk. I want both to work, but what "sells" is the look and feel and immersion of big. For prints, I use a different thought process entirely.
  10. Thanks, Lin. I am thinking of about locations in the sense they are used in Adobe products and some other software. For example in Lightroom, you can... 1. select a photo (in PTE that might be in the timeline) and right click to get the option of opening a new explorer window at the photo file location. 2. Also, you can right-click and get the option to go to the location the LR file hierarchy. IN PTE that would translate into activating the location in the PTE explorer Window. If that is still not clear, I can make some screenshots to explain. Thanks for the suggestions about conversion as well. I wish I could capture full resolution. Perhaps 1920 x 1080 is good enough.
  11. 1. What is the best way to convert an EXE to MP4? (Where I do not have the original PTE file) 2. How do I go to a photo location on disk from within PTE? 3. How do I go to Library location from within PTE?
  12. Years ago I bought P2E entirely because it produced really cool automation. Through that process, I discovered a new fabulous realm of creativity. previously I flipped through photos with whatever computer browser automated what was once photos in an album, which automated photos in a shoebox, which automated...you get the picture. Not long ago Igor gave us the ability to auto-spread images along a timeline. Great idea! Then I went in and adjusted them for any of 100 reasons. Beat-matching is just that same idea. Has anyone used Audacity "Beat-Finder" for such a purpose?
  13. We must consider if getting old causes us cling to the way things were as being better. My mom didn't trust calculators for a long time and checked the machine by hand--she didn't trust calculators to be better. I remember being on the edge of having to know log and trig tables only to realize that vastly more and better was to use a computer. Now, better art can be created and enjoyed by automating the mundane to focus time and energy on the creative. I am conservative by nature, but strongly in favor of progress. Slower is both worse and better.
  14. Much of my work is a labor of love. Most people have little idea what a project is worth and probably wouldn't pay that much. If you want to be paid fairly, decide your overhead, your expenses and how much profit you want and divide that by the hours it takes. If a complex project takes me 40+ hours (I am experienced and fairly quick) of photo processing, planning, storyline, themes, subtleties, and putting it all together, editing, editing, editing, cutting some more, letting it sit, getting opinions, editing and finally delivering the polished end result--then the cost would be 40X$50/hr /(far from riches) or $2000 USD. I think some projects are worth far more than that to the recipients. If you have a group of families willing to divide the cost among themselves, or a business that can justify the cost, then maybe you can get that kind of price. Otherwise, consider it a labor of love. My work is for private humanitarian and various other documentary causes and my pay is indirect--but probably not close to commensurate for my labor. I occasionally do odd shoots, weddings, engagements, business conferences. Those can pay well, but honestly, I wouldn't do it for a living. The ones I do are most extraordinary so they don't usually pay much. But I am not doing it for me. I am doing it for others and the payback for them is priceless. Private Beef: Adobe Creative Cloud has been a mess. I keep getting locked out while traveling in remote locations. 5 Times in the last couple weeks. "Your Access Token Is Expired." Adobe can fix it every time. Thanks, Adobe! Just a day late and a dollar short. I love Adobe products but will happily abandon Adobe if something better comes along. Thankfully, PicturestoExe is WONDERFUL! Thanks, Igor!
  15. I think I will pick up a copy as backup. Yes, Photoshop just failed to open again a couple days ago while traveling. Adobe knows the problem and can fix it and has multiple times for me. But Affinity will be a modern, developed software that works when PS fails and I don't have to wait until Adobe can fix it. Adobe will remain my primary software, but if I can ever leave, I will. I have lost any loyalty to them due to their new system which fails to meet my needs.
  16. It's not that simple. It has to do with unsuccessful attempts to connect on weak connections while moving among multiple countries. If I could get 60 days that would cover me. I did once go about 75 days without internet (except one brief hour in the middle). PS was no problem during all that. Of course, I can think ahead and disable CC or log out--but I am always hoping it will work "this time." When it works isn't the problem. When it doesn't is. Yes, I have worked through this with Adobe. We have not worked out the secret recipe that exactly causes the issue--perhaps something is triggering the inability to verify what may appear like a new device--but isn't. We just don't know. We know work-arounds--but they are most inconvenient. Curiously, since changes have been made with the new CC and CC classic. I haven't had the problem. But I will be testing it with multiple SE Asian countries in the next few weeks. Maybe even Australia! I bet Australia works just fine. We shall see. Would be interesting to hear from users here traveling extensively in multiple rural S. American or African countries. [I know that the solution for some is to use a quality SIM-modem based travel router. But still, you have to have that Cell tower nearby!]
  17. And it would be useful as a backup for those several times Photoshop has locked me out while traveling and I could not get it to open until I had stable internet. Actually, I keep an old version of PS also installed for those occasions.
  18. Newbees will never know how we once labored to select fine detail. There should be a built-in "levels" where newbees have to extract hair with PS2 before advancing to tools like this---just so they will appreciate what PS can do!
  19. Thanks. I may get this. One problem I have is being in a dusty environment clogs up the cooling apparatus and then the fan runs harder. Not sure of a solution to this, but a less active fan would surely help.
  20. I found this helpful: https://www.diyphotography.net/understand-microphone-specs-get-best-sound-project/
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