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Everything posted by denisb

  1. Congratulations, thank you. Denis
  2. settings>>Preferences>>Editor>>show safe TV zone
  3. I don't see difference. In PTE10, Igor will use the latest audio and video decoder and the decoder will read directly the mp4 file without transformation in another soft. So sure PTE10 will read your GoPro mp4 Denis
  4. Hi, same problem with my PTE9. You can use AviDemux for example: And save. Denis
  5. Of course other workaround exist, but the option was correct in pte8 and not in pte9. I don't use this option, but people using it show us the problem on "Diapositif"
  6. Hi, a project with 2 slides, a custom transition in the project with an image as background. I save, create an exe, create backup in zip, and an mp4 video. The mp4 in correct, the background in zip contains every thing ( folder .resources) But the saved project has no project.resources folder and the exe has no background image, an error text instead. Now extract the zip. Open the project, it seems correct in the mini-viewer close the project without saving it and the project.resources disappear !!! Denis Projet1_Apr24-2019_16-20-56.zip
  7. Hi, It's not a bug. The safe executable is certified including the icon. If you change the icon, it would be no more a safe executable. Denis
  8. The fade option is implemented in the essentials version. Go to Project Options>> Audio and fade your audio clip. The GUI of the fade is not implemented in that version Denis
  9. Hi, I put my last slideshow on slideshowclub.com: https://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/566-waves/ It show waves from "La RĂ©union" a French island in Indian Ocean. Denis
  10. denisb


    I use also MPC-HC (portable). I use relative paths. I put every thing on a usb key. MPC-HC.1.7.7.x86\mpc-hc.exe /play /fullscreen /close video2.mp4 Denis
  11. Hi Pascal, the soft version is very interesting. if I have some time, I will test it with the fractal threshold custom transition http://www.diapositif.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=42121 Denis
  12. Hi, The threshold works well with level only. When you add saturation=-100 or toning: Grayscale there is a difference as you can see in the project. You have not 256 levels but only about 30, the transition is not fluid (for me) and it is not really a threshold mask transition. Or I made a mistake ? Denis effet de seuil2_Feb5-2019_14-36-34.zip
  13. Not automatic, only if people who construct the custom transitions wants
  14. Hi Bruno and Barry, my explanation was not sufficient. I use this 16:9 picture as a mask of a custom transition I bring this custom transition to a friend and making a 3:2 aspect ration slideshow, the mask become: Not really fine and I am not here to change zoomX or zoomY of the CT I would prefer: That's what I ask for custom transition even if the mask is distorted. I don't think about slide style but I think the problem is similar. Denis
  15. Hi, when I make custom transitions, I make the for the aspect ration I use: 16:9. I often try to make them compatible with other aspect ratio, but sometimes it"s impossible. With a picture as a mask, i should be glad to see more than fit and cover : fit Cover The one I suggest Denis
  16. If Trackers is checked, I can't see the video If Trackers is unchecked, I see the video
  17. Hi Igor and Jose, a tiny project video1.pte is working good. Adding a slide before the video and the problem arise : see the result(video2.pte) Denis video1_Nov2-2018_15-26-54.zip
  18. Hi Jose, Project options Unsharp mask applies to photos/stills and videos used along the project, and effect is included in published MP4 file. Sharper/smoother in O&A applies only to photos/stills Blur (negative values) applies to photos/stills and videos Denis
  19. I don't think Blur with negative value is a good approach. If you look at the last column and the last line of a 1920x1080 picture, you can see difference in brightness . Denis
  20. Yes the USM applies to the mp4 also
  21. Hi Pere, the main difference between the "normal" .pte and the .pte creating with Backup in Zip and decompressing is the order where it look for the files . Opening the "normal" pte file, it look for the files with the path written in the pte file, and if it doesn't find it then it look for file in the directory of the .pte file. Opening the .pte file from decompressing the Zip does exactly the inverse search: first it search in the directory of the .pte file and if it doesn't find the file, it look at the complete path in the .pte file. This is simplified: if it doesn't find file, it can look elsewhere. Denis
  22. I don't know if it is the best but I use OBS Studio. It's free https://obsproject.com/
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